Mimosa Donates Learning Equipment to Zimbabwe School of Mines

As part of its efforts to develop the skills required in the Zimbabwean mining sector, Mimosa donated learning equipment to the Zimbabwe School of Mines’ department of Geology and Metallurgy.

Mimosa acknowledges the value of education and has made significant investments to improve academic excellence and critical skills development for the nation. The donation to the Zimbabwe School of Mines supports the school’s vision to become a hub for experimentation and research in mining.

Mimosa donated four geological microscopes, equipped with a camera and a digital connectivity to enable online sharing of images by lecturers and students.

The department of Metallurgy also received a single pot ring mill and sample pelletiser used for sample preparation, and an XRF instrument for sample assaying. The equipment will enable practical preparation of rock samples for analysis and the application of XRF technology for analysis of mineral concentration in rock samples.

Mimosa’s donation will enhance the school’s capacity to develop and nurture students, equip them theoretically and practically, and support their journey to becoming productive members of the mining industry.