Mimosa is committed to sustainable extraction and processing of its mineral resource, in line with global sustainable development goals and national legislation. Its mining approach integrates Mine Closure as guided by existing Environmental Impact Assessment Framework, which emphasizes the importance of planning, designing and operating a Mine with closure in mind.
Environmental sustainability interventions to ensure continual improvements, will continue to be driven through certification to ISO 14001:2015, on Environmental Management. Our Business Policy commitment on water, emphasizes the need to conserve water by optimizing specific water consumption in core processes, with a monthly recycled/re-use water target of 42%. On energy consumption, an Energy and Decarbonized Strategy is being pursued, aimed at managing energy insecurity risks, as well as reducing the Mine’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in line with its Climate Change Policy commitments. The organisation is also finalizing ISO 50001 Energy Management System Gap Analysis, in preparation for implementation of the energy standard.
On key waste management facilities, the Mine is in the process of aligning its Tailings Storage Facility operations, to the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM). The initiative will address socio-economic and environmental issues relating to potential tailings storage facility runaway risks. In addition, the existing integrated waste management approach, will continue to be implemented in view of the life cycle perspective framework.